Fern Coppedge Paintings
Fern Coppedge Paintings
mountain creek
bucks county scene
january sunshine
lumberville cottage
normans woe gloucester massachusetts
winter sunlight
09:58 | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)
Leroy Neiman paintings
Leroy Neiman paintings
do you know leroy neiman,let me to look his paintings
find more paintings Click Leroy Neiman Paintings
08:46 | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)
Sergio Michilini , biography en español
Sergio Michilini , biography in Spanish
These days I have been asked my " Curriculum Vitae " or rather a small Biography ... and found that despite 30 years of living in Latin America , I have nothing in Spanish. Here, then , rebuilding something that I have lived.
I was born in Friuli (north- eastern Italy ) in 1948. I am PAINTER and research activities also in the field of ceramic , mosaic , sculpture , public art and plastic integration.
I have decided to be PAINTER at age 14 and in subsequent years I have been fortunate to learn the craft with masters like VERNIZZI , Guenzani , TROVARELLI , CONTI, Farulli , MANFREDI , TURCHIARO , Annigoni MINIATI and GAJONI and 1973 term courses Academy of Fine Arts in Florence .
For a certain period I have been interested in graphics , with colleague PORETTI creating a "Workshop of experimental graphic " in Oggiona , north of Milan ( intaglio , woodcut, lithography and silkscreen ) .
By the 70's to early 80 in Italy I have made several works of public monumental art Livorno ( Armenian Church ) , Scandicci ( City Hall ) and in different churches the province of Varese, such as ceramic polychrome at the Parish Church of OGGIONA , the murals Edouard Manet Paintings in the dome of Santa Maria 1600 lA to LONATE POZZOLO and in the apse of VIZZOLA Castelnovate of Ticino , the frescoes in the apse of the church of Fagnano Olona Bergoro etc .
For several years I taught drawing and painting at the Liceo Art Busto Arsizio and Varese ( North-East of Milan) , creating or collaborating in different periods , with various arts groups and arts ( 1971 Artistic Alternative magazines ; 1976 New Culture ; 1986 Scaffolding ; 2002 Nuevo Amanecer Cultural ) .
Since 1982 I have performed in Mexico ceramic panels , cultural activities of various kinds and I have become friends with teachers ALBERTO DIAZ DE COSSIO , ARIOSTO OTERO , RINA TIE , ARTURO BUSTOS GARCIA , CHAVEZ PURPLE , and OLGA COSTA ANGELA DE SIQUEIROS Arenal .
Then in Nicaragua ( Cooperating NGO MLAL ) I collaborated with Edouard Manet Basket of Fruits the Ministry of Culture in the creation of the - MONUMENTAL PUBLIC David Alfaro Siqueiros ( ENAPUM -DAS ) , first of its kind NATIONAL SCHOOL OF ART, on a national basis , in the Americas.
07:51 Publié dans paintings | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)